Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Alright Ladies...ready for this one?

Reach Kids Toothbrushes $0.99

Buy 4, Receive $4.00 RR (or register rewards)/ (these are what prints off after you pay for the item that you can use on a different purchase)

Use 4 $1.00/1 – Listerine Kids or Reach Kids Products, Any – (bricks.coupons.com) (will need 2 computers as each computer will only print off two coupons)
Pay:  $0.00, Receive $4.00 Register Reward
Final Price:  $4.00 Moneymaker

Then on a separate transaction buy:

2 Garnier Products for $7 (they will be labeled as this price) use 2 $1 coupons from RP (red plum) 5/1 and get $5 Register Rewards (Use previous $4 RR) and get 4 toothbrushes and 2 bottles of shampoo or conditioner for $1!!!! PLUS you get $5 for anything else you want in the store!!!! 

P.S. If you do not have coupon books from all the way back to May 1st I have two more of these coupons left for the first person to ask :)  

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