Monday, May 16, 2011


Where is your newspaper from yesterday?  On the floor next to the recliner?  On the top of the trash? Still in the driveway?  Well go get it!!! Here are some free items that you can get at Homeland!  

Homeland doubles their coupons up to $1.  So if you have a coupon for $1 it will actually turn into $2!!! You can only use this on one like item.  So if I wanted to get one BBQ sauce (deal below) I could use one coupon that is worth $1 and would turn into $2 (so it is free).  However, if I were to get a second BBQ sauce with another $1 off coupon it would only work for the face amount instead of doubling.  I would end up paying $.39 for the second item.  Still a good deal but still money that I am having to spend on something I may not need.  
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce $1.39 (thru 5-17) then $2.19 
Use $1.00/1 any KC BBQ Sauce or Marinade 8.5-oz. or larger  SS 5-15-11 (exp. 7-17)
Final price: If you get the original 18 oz  it is but one get one free so you can score two of these for $.19!!!! 
Sure Deodorant Clearanced $1.21 - $1.31

Sure Deodorant $2.69 (usual price)

Use $1.00/1 any Sure Deodorant SS 5-15-11
Final price: $.69 (if you can't get the clearanced item)!

I never use Sure deodorant but for FREE this is a great item to donate!!! 

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