Monday, May 30, 2011

Homland Beginning 6/1

Hello Ladies!  If you have begun to collect items to donate you can drop them off at the Immanuel Baptist Church office with Candyce Green.  You can just tell her that they are for Tabitha's Mission! :)  I am really excited to begin donating these items to truly help others in need and hope that you are on the same page with me! 

Here are some more items that you can collect this week to donate! 

Pillsbury Muffin Mix $1.19

Use $.35/1 Pillsbury Muffin Mix  in-ad manufacturer's coupon (doubled)

Final price: $.49!

KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce 18-oz. $.89
Use $1.00/1 any KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce 18-oz + SS 5-15-11 ( exp. 7-17)
Final price: FREE!
You can multiple coupons for these because these will not need to double.  
Hidden Valley Salad Kits $2.00
Use $1.00/1 Hidden Valley Salad Kits or Farm House Originals dressing  SS 5-15-11
Final price: FREE!
Degree Deodorant 2.6 - 3 oz. $1.99

Use $.75/1 any men's or women's deodorant RP 5-22-11
Final price: $.49
Hidden Valley Dressing 16-oz. $2.50

Use $1.00/1 Hidden Valley Farmhouse Originals or Salad Kits SS 5-15-11
Final price: $.50!
Bar-S Jumbo Franks 16-oz.$1.25 ea.
Use $1.00/2  any Bar-S Franks or Bologna 16-oz. or larger RP 5-22-11
Final price: 2/$.50 ($.25 ea.!)

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