Monday, May 30, 2011

Homland Beginning 6/1

Hello Ladies!  If you have begun to collect items to donate you can drop them off at the Immanuel Baptist Church office with Candyce Green.  You can just tell her that they are for Tabitha's Mission! :)  I am really excited to begin donating these items to truly help others in need and hope that you are on the same page with me! 

Here are some more items that you can collect this week to donate! 

Pillsbury Muffin Mix $1.19

Use $.35/1 Pillsbury Muffin Mix  in-ad manufacturer's coupon (doubled)

Final price: $.49!

KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce 18-oz. $.89
Use $1.00/1 any KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce 18-oz + SS 5-15-11 ( exp. 7-17)
Final price: FREE!
You can multiple coupons for these because these will not need to double.  
Hidden Valley Salad Kits $2.00
Use $1.00/1 Hidden Valley Salad Kits or Farm House Originals dressing  SS 5-15-11
Final price: FREE!
Degree Deodorant 2.6 - 3 oz. $1.99

Use $.75/1 any men's or women's deodorant RP 5-22-11
Final price: $.49
Hidden Valley Dressing 16-oz. $2.50

Use $1.00/1 Hidden Valley Farmhouse Originals or Salad Kits SS 5-15-11
Final price: $.50!
Bar-S Jumbo Franks 16-oz.$1.25 ea.
Use $1.00/2  any Bar-S Franks or Bologna 16-oz. or larger RP 5-22-11
Final price: 2/$.50 ($.25 ea.!)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homeland May 25-31st and Walmart!

Oscar Mayer Meat Wieners, Meat Bologna, or Cotto Salami, $1.50
$1/2 IP HERE and 5/15 SS
Final Price = $.50 each wyb 2 (This is a GREAT donation item)
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce, $.99
$1/1 KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce or Marinade 5/15/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/17/2011)
Final Price = FREE (This will be free without the double, so you can buy more than one of these in a transaction if you have more than one coupon.)
Nabisco Snack Crackers, $2.00
Final Price = $.50
Hidden Valley Dressing, $2.50
$1/1  5/15 SS  
Final Price = $.50
Ore Ida Potatoes, $2.49
$1/1 Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries 5/22/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/5/2011)--I couldn't find this in mine but you may be able to...if not, here is a link below.  
Final Price = $.49
American Cheese Singles, $2.00
$1/1 Kraft Slices 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/12/2011)
Final Price = FREE
Chinet Casual Plates, $2.50
Final Price = $.50
********OR************(because they are the same coupon they will only double once!)
Chinet Dinner Napkins, $1.69
Final Price = FREE (same coupon as above, so it will only double once)
Mt. Olive Sweet Relish, $.99
$0.50/1 Mt. Olive Product 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/19/2011)
Final  Price = FREE!
Edwards Pie Singles, $2.00
$1/1 (2-pk ONLY)  4/10 SS
Final Price = FREE


Suave Deodorant $.97
Use $.50/1 any Suave Deodorant RP 5-22-11 (exp. 5-19)
Final price: $.47!
Travel Size Men's or Women's Deodorant $.97
Use $.75/1 ANY Degree Men's or Women's Deodorant RP 5-22-11 (exp. 6-19)
Final price: $.22!
These are a little more than $.50 but still a great deal and donation item! 
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce $1.77
Use $1.00/1 Sweet Baby Ray's SS 5-22-11 (exp. 6-30)
Final price: $.77
Hormel Kid's Compleats Microwave Meals $1.68
Use $1.00/1  Hormel Kid's Compleats SS 5-8-11 (exp. 7-3)
Final price: $.68!

Zone Perfect Bars $.96
Use $.55/1 Zone Perfect Single or Multipack Bars SS 5-22-11 (exp. 6-12)
Final price: $.41!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What I am getting at Homeland tomorrow! (and/or Tuesday)

These deals are good until Tuesday 5/24/2011!

Zest, Safeguard or Ivory Bar Soap 3-4 ct. $1.99
Use $1.00/1 any Ivory Bar, Body Wash, or Liquid Hand Soap P&G 5-1-11 (exp. 5-31)
Use $1.00/1 any Zest  Bar, Body Wash or Liquid Hand Soap OR Safeguard Bar, Body Wash or Liquid Hand Soap

Final price: FREE!

All of these are from the coupon booklets from this week!!!!!

Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 18-oz.$2.59 - on sale thru Tues. for $1.99!

Use $1.00/1 Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce 18-oz. SS 5-22-11 (exp. 6-30)

Final price: $.59! (Free thru Tuesday!)

Zone Perfect Bars $1.35 - on sale this week for $1.00
Use $.55/1 any Zone Perfect Single or Multipack Bars SS 5-22-11 (exp. 6-12)

Final price: $.25 (Free thru Tuesday!)

Borden's Sensations Sliced Cheese $2.29 - on sale this week for $1.99!
Use $1.00/1 any Borden's Sensations Sliced Cheese SS 5-22-11 (exp. 7-10)

Final price: $.29! (Free thru Tuesday!)

Brown Cow Organic Yogurt Cups $1.15
Use $.55/1 ANY "Real California" dairy product SS 5-22-11 (exp. 9-30)

Final price: FREE!

I will spend a total of $0 on all 5 of these items!!! :) 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Walmart, Homeland and a Tip!

Tip of the day:
Where do I keep these coupons or organize them so I can easily find the deals you are mentioning?  "Well, I have manilla folders that I put each week's inserts in.  I label the outside of the folders with the date the coupon inserts were found in the newspaper.  I do this in pencil so I can erase and use the folders over and over.   I have a file cabinet that I keep my folders in but you can use a plastic container like Rubbermaid or even a cardboard box will work.  The file cabinet  stays in my garage but you could use a closet, laundry room or home office.  Having your coupons organized this way saves so much time because you don't have to cut out every single coupon.  When you see a deal listed on the blog telling you where to find the coupon, you just flip through your folders, find the right date and cut out your coupon!  Keep your inserts for at least 8 months.  I know that sounds crazy but some coupons don't expire up to a year and you never know what's going to be on sale a few months down the road.  I was able to get Dole canned fruit for $.25 each because I had kept my inserts from 4 months back that had Dole coupons in them.  Use what ever system works for you as long as your coupons are organized and easy to locate." --
I went to both of these today and got each item for either under $.50 or free! 
Johnson & Johnson First Aid Kits To Go $.97
Use $1.00/2 ANY J&J Red Cross products Red Plum (RP) 5-15-11 (exp. 6-30)
Final price: 2/$.94 ($.47 ea.)
Pert 2-in-1 Shampoo $.97
Use $1.00/1 ANY Pert 2-in-1 product SS 5-15-11 (exp. 6-30)
Final price: FREE + $.03 overage!
Shout 4-pk Wipes $.97
Use $.55/1 ANY Shout product SS 5-15-11 (exp. 6-26)
Final price: $.42
Wilkinson Sword Disposable Razors $0.97 (may be regional)
Use the $1/1 coupon found here
Final cost Free!
Scotch Magic Tape $1.22
Use the $1/1 coupon found here
Final cost $0.22!
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce $1.42
Use $1.00/1 any KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce or Marinade 8.5 -oz or larger SS 5-15-11 (exp. 7-17)
Final price: $.42
Mt. Olive Squeeze Relish 10-oz. $1.00Use $.50/1 any Mt. Olive Pickles, Relish or Peppers SS 4-17-11 (exp. 6-19)
Final price: FREE!
Joy or Dawn Dish Soap $1.00
Use $.50/1 any Dawn Dish Soap - P&G $110.00 BrandSaver booklet (exp. 6-30)
Final price: FREE!
Zest, Safeguard or Ivory Bar Soap 3-4 ct. $1.99
Use $1.00/1 any Ivory Bar, Body Wash, or Liquid Hand Soap P&G 5-1-11 (exp. 5-31)
Use $1.00/1 any Zest  Bar, Body Wash or Liquid Hand Soap OR Safeguard Bar, Body Wash or Liquid Hand Soap
Final price: FREE!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Alright Ladies...ready for this one?

Reach Kids Toothbrushes $0.99

Buy 4, Receive $4.00 RR (or register rewards)/ (these are what prints off after you pay for the item that you can use on a different purchase)

Use 4 $1.00/1 – Listerine Kids or Reach Kids Products, Any – ( (will need 2 computers as each computer will only print off two coupons)
Pay:  $0.00, Receive $4.00 Register Reward
Final Price:  $4.00 Moneymaker

Then on a separate transaction buy:

2 Garnier Products for $7 (they will be labeled as this price) use 2 $1 coupons from RP (red plum) 5/1 and get $5 Register Rewards (Use previous $4 RR) and get 4 toothbrushes and 2 bottles of shampoo or conditioner for $1!!!! PLUS you get $5 for anything else you want in the store!!!! 

P.S. If you do not have coupon books from all the way back to May 1st I have two more of these coupons left for the first person to ask :)  

Walmart and Homeland

Are you going to be out today?  Here are a few things you can pick up for under $0.50 each!


Country Crock Honey Spread $1.12
Use the $1/1 coupon found in the May issue of All You mag. or the $0.40/1 coupon found here
Final cost as low as $0.12!

Ivory 3 pack of bars $0.97
Use the $1/1 coupon found in the 5/1 P&G
Final cost Free!

Pert Plus Travel Size $0.97
Use the $1/1 coupon in the 5/15 SS
Final cost Free!

Wilkinson Sword Disposable Razors $0.97 (may be regional)
Use the $1/1 coupon found here
Final cost Free!

Thru TODAY only, Homeland has the Oscar Mayer Lunchables With Fruit on sale for $2.49.  There is a $1.00/1 coupon in the 5/15 Smart Source that will make them just $.49!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just a few pennies at Target

My goal is for most of the items I list on here to be free.  However, if they are under $.50 I will go ahead and list them in case you are enticed to spend a little :)

If you are headed over to Target this week you can print these coupons off and get these items for just a few pennies!!!

Up & Up Hydrogen Peroxide, 16 oz $0.52$0.50/1 – Up & Up First Aid Item – (
Final Price:  $0.02

Up & Up Ibuprofen Pain Relief Tablets, 24 ct $1.09$1.00/1 – Up & Up Pain Relief Item, Target Coupon – (
Final Price: $0.09

A little something for you for tonight only!
Blockbuster Kiosk (there is one at Homeland on Harrison and one outside Love's on Kickapoo)
Use code MONDAYFUN at Blockbuster Kiosk today only, 5/16 for 1 free DVD rental!  Only valid on $1.00 DVD’s.


Where is your newspaper from yesterday?  On the floor next to the recliner?  On the top of the trash? Still in the driveway?  Well go get it!!! Here are some free items that you can get at Homeland!  

Homeland doubles their coupons up to $1.  So if you have a coupon for $1 it will actually turn into $2!!! You can only use this on one like item.  So if I wanted to get one BBQ sauce (deal below) I could use one coupon that is worth $1 and would turn into $2 (so it is free).  However, if I were to get a second BBQ sauce with another $1 off coupon it would only work for the face amount instead of doubling.  I would end up paying $.39 for the second item.  Still a good deal but still money that I am having to spend on something I may not need.  
KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce $1.39 (thru 5-17) then $2.19 
Use $1.00/1 any KC BBQ Sauce or Marinade 8.5-oz. or larger  SS 5-15-11 (exp. 7-17)
Final price: If you get the original 18 oz  it is but one get one free so you can score two of these for $.19!!!! 
Sure Deodorant Clearanced $1.21 - $1.31

Sure Deodorant $2.69 (usual price)

Use $1.00/1 any Sure Deodorant SS 5-15-11
Final price: $.69 (if you can't get the clearanced item)!

I never use Sure deodorant but for FREE this is a great item to donate!!! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saving to Serve

Let me begin with the idea behind this blog.  I will break it into two parts to explain the name and explain the purpose.

Tabitha, or Dorcas (we will just stick with Tabitha) as some of you may know her,  was a woman who was a great doer and not just a great talker.  Convicted yet?  I am!  Her story unfolds in Acts 9:36-42 (I will not go into great detail so you should go read it!).  From the very beginning the description of her is breathtaking!  In verse 36 in the NASB it says, "this woman was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did." What a woman!  My first question is, was she married?  Then, did she have a toddler, where did she get the money to do the things she did, what kind of things could I do?  :) These are a few of the many questions that later turn into excuses that we can come up with in order to stay in our own little world and not reach out to others in need.  In verse 37 she fell sick and died and the people sent for Peter to come and he did.  When he arrived there he saw a beautiful sight of women, widows (women in need!) with their tunics and garments that Tabitha would make them when she was still alive.  She had invested in their lives and in turn changed them, built relationships, and loved on others through giving.  In Matthew Henry's concise commentary he states, "Christians who have not property to give in charity, may yet be able to do acts of charity, working with their hands, or walking with their feet, for the good of others." In other words,  even though we may have little or nothing to give financially, who knows how much Tabitha had, we can still serve others be it with our hands, our feet, or whatever the Lord has blessed us with.  To wrap up Tabitha's story, Peter prays and tells Tabitha to arise and she does and is presented alive and through this miracle many come to believe in the Lord.  Her life is one that opens our minds to the possibilities of how we can show Truth to others through the way that we live our lives.

The mission is to use coupons, yes coupons, to save you money so that you are able to serve others.  I know as a stay at home mom, it is hard to feel useful to those outside my home.  I am either doing laundry, washing dishes, changing diapers, cleaning the house, or numerous other things.  My family does not have a lot of extra time, money or resources to help others.  So what can I do?  I have struggled with this question over and over for the entire time that I have been a stay at home mom.  I know that this is what God has called me to do for this period of my life but I also know that this doesn't mean it is a break time from ministry to others.  Maybe you are in a similar situation, whether you are a stay at home mom, full time working woman and mom, single woman working or going to school....whatever it may be you can still serve!  Here is what the Lord has placed on my heart:  How often do we get a Sunday paper, look through the articles, ads, and maybe the comics and then proceed to throw it away?  Maybe if we are thrifty we cut out a few obvious coupons of things that we want or need because it will save us a buck here or there.  But where does the rest go?  To the trash?  This is where this blog comes in.  I have recently started to watch a new series on TLC called extreme couponing.  This show, however ridiculous it may seem, has prompted me to look for deals that are beyond my ordinary couponing experience.  In the past two weeks I have gone to the store and left with 6 bottles of Similac, 5 bars of ivory soap, two packs of carefree feminine stuff :), 6 bottles of Nivea body wash, two Homestyle Mac and Cheese Dinners and a package a of pasta for absolutely FREE!!!  Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to get you to be in awe or pat me on the back because I did very little for this.  My desire is for you to have a similar passion or join with me in this one that we may use coupons to serve others.  These are all items that can be easily donated to Shawnee Rescue Mission (or like charities).

So here is my plan in how you can be involved: ( I am sure you are tired of reading by now)

Option #1
Every week I will post deals like this as soon as I see them or someone tells me about them:
This is an example of a deal I got last week and is therefore not going on anymore
Nivea Body Wash for Men or Women, 16.9 oz $2.43 
Use $3.00/1 Nivea for Men Body Wash, any from RP (coupon book)  4/17 (date coupon book was issued) 
Or use $3.00/1 Nivea Body Wash for Women, any from RP 4/17 
Final Price:  Free
(p.s. you are in no way obligated to donate anything you get, if you just want some free stuff then go for it! But if you do want to donate we will get it to those who need it! We have not yet set up a place for donations so that will come in an upcoming blog.)

Option #2
If you do not use your coupons and want to donate them so that I, or someone else working on this team, can pick up these items to donate, you can take them to the church office and I will get a folder set up with Candyce Green where she can get them to me.

What a great opportunity we have to serve others through something as simple as using or donating a coupon!  If you have any questions about this or want more information you can post a message on this blog.  Thanks for taking time to read this massive message!