Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Shopping Tips--Wal-Mart!!!


Two Words: Price Match!!!
1.     Look through your local ads such as CVS, Homeland, Walgreens, Firelake, Kmart, or Big Lots and look for items that you want to purchase that week. 

2.     If you are just beginning you may not know if the deals in the ads are good or not.  Circle the items that you are planning to get, take the ads with you to the store, and compare the prices.  If the price in the ad is lower, use the ad to get the lower price.  If Wal-Mart has a lower price then you do not need the ad for the purchase. 

3.     ******Now I have found that when you load your groceries onto the belt at Wal-Mart you HAVE to have your ad ready, when they get to that item you must give them the competitors ad RIGHT THEN so they can change the price. If you wait until they are done ringing you up to show them the price match they will not go back and change the prices. Just a tip!********

Here are some general guidelines and limitations that Wal-Mart holds to in Price Matching:
o   We will match any local competitor’s advertised price.

o   We do not require customers to have the ad with them to honor a competitor’s ad. (Although it is a good idea to take it with you)

  Items purchased must be identical to the ad (size, quantity, brand, flavor, color, etc.)

And Now for using coupons!!! Yes, you can use coupons on top of price matching!
Scenario: Let’s say you find laundry detergent at CVS for a lower price than Wal-Mart.  You take in the ad that week from CVS and show it to the cashier, as he/she is about to scan your item.  At the end of your transaction you can hand the cashier a coupon for that same laundry detergent to get even more of a discount!

Here are the acceptable coupons for Wal-Mart:  
Print-at-home internet coupons
o   Must be legible
o   Must have “Manufacturer Coupon” printed on them
o   Must have a valid remit address for the manufacturer
o   Must have a valid expiration date
o   Must have a scannable bar code
o   Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons with a specified price
o   Are acceptable in black and white or color
o   May not be duplicated (copies)

Manufacturers’ coupons (one’s you get in newspaper ads)
o   For dollar/cents off
o   For free items (except those printed off the Internet)
o   Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons
o   Must have “Manufacturer Coupon” printed on them
o   Must have a valid remit address for the manufacturer
o   Must have a valid expiration date
o   Must have a scannable bar code
o   May not be duplicated

Competitors’ coupons (From Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc.)
o   A specific item for a specified price, for example, $2.99
o   Buy one, get one free (BOGO) coupons for items with a specified price
o   Have a valid expiration date
o   Are acceptable in black and white


When you have a coupon for over the price of an item ($.97 body wash and the coupon is $2.00) the overage will go towards other items in your basket!!!
This makes it a good idea when you have coupons that do not have a size restriction to look for the smallest items because then you may get some overage to pay for items you do not have a coupon for.

Each item can only have one coupon.  (Do not try to use coupons for items you are not purchasing)

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